Thursday, May 26, 2011

Little things really can make a big difference..

So I was thinking today about how some people say little things can make a big difference. Honestly, that couldn't be more true. I mean, even a couple words can make a difference and change your whole day. or, maybe more than just your whole day."I love you." "You're beautiful." "You're amazing." those are just a few things that can really change the entire course of a person's day. Simply smiling at someone or giving them a hug, just showing a little act of kindness to someone, it can really make a difference.

I read a story once. It was about a man who killed himself. He jumped off a bridge. When the police recovered his body, they opened his wallet and found a note that said, "Today I will walk the bridge. If even one person smiles at me, I won't jump." no one smiled at him, so he jumped. I honestly don't know if this is a true story or not, and I do understand that there's no good reason to kill yourself. But because of this story, I make sure to smile at everyone. It's not a hard thing to do at all. And who knows? They could be having a REALLY bad day. Just that one smile could completely turn their day around.

There's an organization called Operation Beautiful. You might be asking what operation beautiful is. Well, anyone can participate. It's not hard. All you have to do, is write something encouraging like "You're beautiful!" on a sticky note or an index card, and place it somewhere. That's it. Not hard, is it? Nope! And it sure can change someone's day around. I participate in Operation Beautiful. I make cards that simply say, "You're beautiful!" and I post them places. I've posted them in the mall, the movie theatre, church, school.. wherever I remember to! I carry around a stack of cards in my purse, so that way, whenever I remember, I can just take one out and stick it somewhere! It truly can change someone's entire day around. Believe me, I know. Here's the link to their website, if you wanna check it out: :) and hey, you! you're beautiful. don't forget it :)

Another little thing you can do is simply tell people you love them, they mean something to you, or just give them a hug. When one of my friends tell me that they love me or they're glad they met me or anything like that, it makes my day. It really does. It makes me smile. It doesn't take long, and it's just a few words. So take the time to say it. You never know how much you could change someone's day. If you know me, you know I'm a BIG hugger. one of the reasons why? I love getting hugs and I know they can mean a lot to someone. I know someone could be having a bad day, then someone could come and give them a hug, and their day immediately improves. So, I make sure to hug everyone. Because you really don't know how much one simple hug could mean to someone.

So take the time to do something little for someone today. It could just make a big difference :)

"Love comforteth like sunshine after rain." -William Shakespeare

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