Thursday, March 15, 2012


     I love this kind of weather.. It's so warm and wonderful. It's sunny and flowers are blooming andd everything is so alive. Things are being made new and it's glorious. I see new life everywhere I look. This kind of weather puts everyone in a better mood.
    This weather is made for sundresses, messy hair, and bare feet. This weather walks hand in hand with being carefree, starting over, and not looking back. This weather inspires new beginnings, reminding the soul that things can indeed be new. It reminds the heart that what has died can be alive once again. But even more than that, it reminds your whole being of God's faithfulness. The newness alludes to a bigger story.
    It alludes to a time when you, too, were trapped in a cold, lonely world. A world where darkness prevails and you have no hope of becoming anything greater than what you are. Just like the flowers and trees, you are withered and dry. What little light you recieve is temporary, warming you for a little, but fleeing too fast to make a difference. The pleasure from that warmth is gone before you even have time to savor it, and yet again, you find yourself trapped in a dismal world; what little hope you have is fading.
    But then, God's love shines down on you, promising not to leave you. It's like you are actually being wrapped up in His warmth; it overtakes you and pours a joy into your very being, a joy you have never felt before. Out of the filthy dirt rise green things - little blades of new grass andd beautiful yellow flowers. The blue skies and sunlight conquer the darkness. And out of the ashes you rise, becoming something beautiful.
    You look at yourself, and you realize you are only new and beautiful because of one thing: God is not only shining on you, He is shining in you, permeating every part of you. He is transforming you from the dirty, cold, hopeless being you were into a warm, clean, hopeful, new creature. And He loves you. He loves YOU, the thing you thought was so unloveable. And in that moment as you fall to your knees in adoration before Him, you realize you love Him, too. You love Him more than you ever thought you could love. He redeemed you, transformed you, made you new, gave you hope, and loves you. And He promises He will continue to do so. And you love Him. He stole your heart and became your everything. And you love it. You press onward, into the sunlight and into His love, knowing it will never end.

    He will not leave you as you are. Things can still be new. And He alone is the one who can make them be new. He can make something beautiful out of you. As you look around at the newness sprouting up everywhere, let them remind you of the newness in yourself caused by Him alone. He loves you.

"Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things have passed away; behold, new things have come." -2 Corinthians 5:17